Sunday, March 25, 2012

Emery Madeline

February 22, 2012 @ 2:42pm
8 pounds 12 ounces, 20 inches

She is finally here. What a little chunk. I was induced on my due date Feb 22. Luckily they induced me I don't know how much bigger she could have gotten. They started to pitocin at about 8:00 am and she made it here by 2:42 pm. Everything went great even though she was my biggest baby yet. My epidural was awesome. I couldn't feel the contractions, but I still could move my legs a little. Emery has been so sweet and the kids have been so excited to have her here. I was worried that Brody might be feeling a little bit out of place since he has now been dethroned but he has been loving his sister ( a little too much, if you know what I mean). She has been my best sleeper by far and away. I hope that by writing this I haven't jinxed myself. Life is definately crazy with four but she has been a great blessing. Now it is time to hang on and enjoy the ride.


Amanda said...

Oh, she is so cute. Very "healthy". Just want to squeeze those cheeks! I'm glad she's such a good baby. Have fun with that little sweetheart:)

Deena said...

Jill she is so adorable!!! I love her cheeks!! Glad she's sleeping for you! What a cutie!

Chris and Michelle said...

Another definite Marsh cutie! I think she looks just like Addy! I don't know how you hid an almost 9 lber in that tiny frame of yours, Jill!
Lexi is anxious to meet her new buddy - we want to come visit soon! We're off to St G this week but soon after we want to bring over dinner!
Love you guys! :)