Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Here we are nine years and three kids later. It is hard to believe that is has been nine years. I look back and there have been some great times, some rocky times, some average times, some wonderful times, and everything in-between. This life really is a journey and I am glad that I have Jason to share it with. Happy Anniversary I love you more each year!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

Here are the kids carving pumpkins with Grandma and Grandpa

Captain Hook

Tinker Bell

Peter Pan

I am not really sure that the Rocker fits into our theme

Hanging out at the cousin party

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Blogging day number 3, okay so I have been trying to catch up on my posts and I really need to post about Halloween but I am going to post about the huge Meteor that came shooting through the sky last night at 12:07. We were driving home and all of the sudden the sky lit up, as bright as if it were day time. I looked over and saw a ball of fire shooting through the sky it was like a shooting star but so much bigger. I thought that it was going to hit the ground but it dissipated before it got that close. It was only a few seconds but it was pretty amazing to be able to see something like that. I guessed that it was a meteor but I wasn't sure until this morning when I saw it on the news. They said that the meteor was about the size of an oven traveling 80,00 miles an hour, 100 miles up in the air. Pretty crazy and definitely blog worthy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Addy's Preschool Field Trip

Day number two of blogging, Addy got to go on a really fun October field trip. The first stop was at the pumpkin patch. Who knew we lived so close to a pumpkin patch. We learned all about how to grow pumpkins and why some are orange and some are white. Then they let us loose in the corn maze. Addy and I cheated a little, when the whistle blew for us to meet back we were still stuck in the maze so we worked our way back to the entrance and that is how we exited. Maybe we can go back next year to find the right way out. After the pumpkin patch it was on to the park. This is Addy's favorite park and conveniently located across the street from the fire department. Which of coarse was the last stop on the fun filled trip. Addy got to walk through the fire truck and they even gave her a fire hat. It was a perfect trip for a four year old.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Soccer Pro

I am super behind on blogging so I think I might add a post everyday this week until I am caught up. We are leaping back to September I have to post about my little soccer player. Ethan has really turned a new leaf this year. He asked me to sign him up for soccer and I was a little bit unsure because last year was a little bit interesting. Ethan scored plenty of goals last year but they were always for the other team. Any time the ball was near the goal he was defending he would just turn around and kick the ball in. I guess he figured no one was defending him and this was his opportunity. After each game we would try to instruct him that he was supposed to kick the ball in the other net. If he was not scoring a goal for the other team he was mostly running up and down the field with the players never wanting to actually get the ball. He also made sure that we were watching him if we didn't we would definitely hear about it. I am not really sure what we were watching since obviously soccer was not his thing. The last few games were painful because he didn't want to go so then I was dragging him there saying "you are going and you are going to like it, you made a commitment and you are going to follow through" When did I turn in to such a mom? So needless to say I was leery about signing him up for this season, he convinced me that he really wanted to play so I signed him up. During the second game something clicked with him and all of the sudden he was going after the ball and actually turning the ball around and heading toward the right goal. He actually scored several goals for our team. Each week he got better and better by the end of the season he was the best player on our team. It was really fun to see him mature this year. He had a great coach and was surprising us all the time. It was a really fun season and I am actually looking forward to next year.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Here Comes Trouble

Brody had his 1st birthday party on Saturday, he will not be one until Thursday but I wanted to do a swimming party while the weather was still nice. It was a beautiful day it was about 85 degrees so perfect weather for swimming. We had pizza Brody's favorite food and chocolate cup cakes also one of Brody's favorites. Ya Jason has been feeding him all sorts of foods that he is not supposed to eat so this was not his first attempt at eating cake. I can hardly believe that he is a year old. Each child grows up faster and faster. I wasn't sure I would make it through the sleepless nights but here I am a year later and we made it through. Brody is a character he started walking on the 13th and hasn't stopped. He is so little so it is funny to see him walking around and getting into everything. Now that he is walking the attitude has begun, for some reason my kids think that is a right of passage once you start walking you can do whatever you want whenever you want. He is still sweet but very persistent which is good because he is the third child so he has to fight for the attention. He is not talking English yet but he love to jabber away, I wish I knew what he was saying because it always sounds so interesting. He loves Ethan and is always excited to see him. Addy on the other hand sometimes drives him crazy. She likes to be in his face and constantly touching him and most of the time he wants to be left alone. It is pretty funny watching them. We are so glad to have Brody around he keeps us so busy but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, September 21, 2009

King of the day

On Friday Ethan got to be king of the day it was very exciting. Ethan got to make his own very special crown. Then he had to fill the jeweled box with things that were important to him. It was fun to see what he wanted to put in the box. He made sure to put one of his transformers in, one of his Lego creations, his light up gun and a star wars guy. Then he threw in a baseball, he doesn't like baseball that much but he does like sports so that counts right? He put one of his soccer cleats in then he came running down the stairs asking for a picture of the family. It was so cute, he came to me and said I need to put a picture of our family in the box because that is very important to me. It was neat to see that he had thought about that. I could not find a picture so he put in a photo book that we had made that had pictures of the family. All in all it was a perfect day to be king.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Preschool for Addy

Addy on her first day of preschool
I think she needs a bigger backpack.

Addy is an official preschooler, she just walked right into class and sat down she had no problems leaving me behind. Addy has been looking forward to going to school after watching Ethan so she was a little disappointed when she found out I was driving her and she would not be taking the bus like the big kids. She got over it pretty fast when she found out we would be carpooling with Nic. Her teachers are Mrs. Jackie and Mrs. Loni and so far Addy has made a big impression, because they commented to me that they have loved having Addy in class this year, which makes me wonder what kind of shenanigans she has been up to. Addy is really growing up despite the fact that she is a foot smaller than everyone in her class. Don't worry she makes up for her size in attitude and she will have no problems finding her way through this school year.

Monday, August 24, 2009

1st Grade Alert

Ethan's first day of school
Ethan waiting at the bus stop on the first day of school.

Ethan started first grade last week, and he as been loving every min of it. I didn't think that I would be sad but when the day finally came I was sad because my little baby was going to be in school all day long. The sadness did not last too long because he loves school and it is nice for me to have a break from Ethan and Addy fighting. Ethan has grown up so much, as a toddler he would yell at me for telling him good morning when he woke up. Then if I made eye contact this would throw him right into a fit. If somebody touched him he would yell at me to wipe it off. I took him to the Dr. and they decided that he had 7 out of the 10 most difficult personality traits. The Dr.then told me that he was going to be a difficult kid and their was nothing that I could do except wait until turned 18 and moved out. Wow what a difference a few years can make. He is like a totally different kid. Now he tells me good morning when he wakes up and if someone talks to him he smiles and answers their question (it is like a miracle). He is great for his teachers and they told me that he follows directions, raises his hand, shares, and behaves well for them. He is turning out to be a sweet kid after all. He will be a great first grader and so far he has been so excited to go every morning. He was disappointed when Saturday came because he could not go to school. We love ya Ethan and you have always kept our life interesting, we never know what we are going to get and we wish you the best this year!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Girl

Addy just turned 4 on Sunday, I can not believe she is that old already. Grandma and Grandpa Marsh, Uncle David and Grandpa Parry came over to celebrate (Grandma Parry was living the hard life vacationing in Switzerland with her sisters). Addy's birthday requests were a cake with balloons and a Gabriella Barbie, so all of her wishes were fulfilled. That may not be the case in the years to come. Addy is still the size of a two year old so you would never guess that she is four. She may be little in size but she can sure hold her own. She will get right up in Ethan's face and let him have it. Addy has no patience when she needs something she needs it now. She can be very stubborn and she will stand her ground. She can also be very sweet and snugly. She always wants papa to sleep with her and she makes sure to come down and ask him every night. Addy walks with a little wiggle in her step and she runs everywhere that she goes. She is a great big sister and she loves taking care of Brody. She will play for hours by herself and not need anyone else. She loves Ethan no matter what even if I put him in time out for bugging her she will beg me to get him out so she can play with him. She has so much personality packed in that little body and I don't know what we would do with out her. We sure love ya Addy and Happy Birthday.