Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brody's Milestones

Brody's 18 month stats
weight 20.3 lbs (3%)
height 29 1/4 inches (3%)

Brody's favorite things
Loves being outside (never wants to come back inside, usually this ends with a big fit)
Finding his shoes because then he can go outside
Loves sleeping with his white blanket
yogurt (he eats this every single morning)
goldfish crackers
A new favorite is granola bars
loves all fruit (especially cutie oranges)
Loves to give kisses. He runs to you when you say give me a kiss
Loves to wave goodbye to everyone and say bye
Whenever he hands you something he says thank you
Loves being around his older siblings
He loves Heidi and always runs to her and gives her a big hug.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fairy Tea Party

Addy and I got to attend the Fairy Tea Party last weekend at the Provo library. We went with a few of our neighbors. Addy loved every minute of it. She especially loved the ballerinas, she couldn't keep her eyes off of them. We were standing in line to get her picture taken with the fairy king and all she wanted to do was get her picture taken with the ballerinas. She asked me when she was going to get the big ballerina skirt and shoes. I guess I might have a dancer on my hands. Thanks Kim for getting us tickets.