Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brody's Milestones

Brody's 18 month stats
weight 20.3 lbs (3%)
height 29 1/4 inches (3%)

Brody's favorite things
Loves being outside (never wants to come back inside, usually this ends with a big fit)
Finding his shoes because then he can go outside
Loves sleeping with his white blanket
yogurt (he eats this every single morning)
goldfish crackers
A new favorite is granola bars
loves all fruit (especially cutie oranges)
Loves to give kisses. He runs to you when you say give me a kiss
Loves to wave goodbye to everyone and say bye
Whenever he hands you something he says thank you
Loves being around his older siblings
He loves Heidi and always runs to her and gives her a big hug.

1 comment:

Deena said...

He's such a cute boy! I love that he loves fun. He and Ethan are going to be outside all summer...SWEET! He's getting big fast! Amazing how quickly they grow up.

You're really getting into the blogging deal...cute background!