Friday, February 19, 2010

Addy's Preschool V-day Program

Addy had a cute preschool Valentine program. It was so fun to watch her singing. She loves to sing she sings along with the radio, she sings in her room with her toys, she sings pretty much all the time. She has been practicing the preschool songs at home for weeks, so she finally got to perform them for us. Next she was excited about writing her name on her Valentine's. Her name got a little bit more legible towards the end of the Valentine's. Some of the kids may have gotten a Valentine from Abby because she mixes up her B's and her D's. That's okay because she did it herself. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday

Here he is Seven years old
As Ethan requested we went to the twisty breadstick place

Ethan invited his friends sledding to celebrate his birthday.

It is fun to see the changes in Ethan from Age 6 to 7. He is now a really good reader. He is great at writing and drawing pictures. He also is getting along with Addy a million percent better. He follows the rules and if anyone is out of line, no problem Ethan will let them know. He is now a huge Utah Ute fan. Grandma and Grandpa even took him to a Utes game for his birthday. Ethan still loves legos and is getting really good at putting them together. He still likes star wars guys and loves to play them with his dad. I am so glad that we survived those first few years because Ethan has turned out to be a great kid. I am really proud of him!