Friday, May 17, 2013

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!

                                             Valentines pancakes and a valentines sandwich

Ethan double digits

Look who is 10.   It is hard to believe that my little man is 10.  I know I say this every year but wow he has come a long way.   He has become a respectful nice young man.  Just this week his scout leader and piano teacher told we what a great kid that he is and how much they enjoy having him around.  So here are Ethan's top 10 Favorite things 
1.  His favorite thing in the whole world is Lego's
2.  He loves to play with friends
3.  He loves to swim
4.  He loves to play soccer
5. He loves to fight with his siblings 
6. His favorite food is still steak
7.  He loves to be around his baby sister
8.  He loves to play basketball (PIG) in his room every night with his Dad
9.  He loves the Utah Utes
10.  He loves to wakeboard
 Ethan picked Texas Roadhouse for his birthday dinner.  They even had him sit on the saddle and they sang/yelled for him.

Ethan one decade old

Ethan turned 10 back in February.  He told us that he wanted an epic birthday party because people were still talking about how amazing his last party was.   Ethan only gets a party every other year and his last party was basically a bunch of kids running around my house in their pajama's with glow necklaces and finger flashlights with loud dance music playing.  So obviously the expectations were set really high (lol).  Well we did not disappoint we surprised Ethan with a limo to take him and his friends to Cabela's.   The limo was more out of practicality then anything else.  How do your transport 15 kids to Cabela's?  The kids thought it was awesome with the light up floor and ceiling they even got to drink sparkling cider.  We probably didn't need to go to Cabela's they would have been happy driving around  all night.  Ethan was super excited and he told us that it was an "Epic" birthday.