Monday, November 17, 2008

Brody's Blessing

Here are some pics from Brody's blessing. He was wide awake through the whole thing but didn't make a peep. It was a really special day. I am grateful for everyone who was there!!!


Deena said...

Awesome! Brody is such a cutie! Love the Star Wars costumes!

Heather said...

He is adorable and glad to see that there is life out there!!! (OH and it's me again, Heather, yes I stalk you just waiting for an update:) )

Amanda Parry said...

Looks like a fun day-I feel like I was there. :) I am glad to hear you are enjoying the books we gave you. They are really fun. See you soon.

SHIPP said...

Yea! I keep looking at your blog to see if you have updated pictures. The blessing looked like a success. When can we get together?

Chris and Michelle said...

See how many people you have all excited that you posted on your blog?? What cute pictures! Brody has grown a ton (of course, that is what they do, right?)! I love the face he's making in the middle picture. What a cutie. What a big crew you had out to support you for his blessing! It's fun to see all of your fam. I got that same sweater Ethan has on for Parker's "Christmas" sweater. Addy looks adorable in that little dress. You look great Jill! Like Cami said, when can we get together? (Do you like how I invite myself? :))

Morph This said...

addie looks unbelievable in that little outfit with that little bob cut. we've got em hooked on little mermaid, and i can't wait for her to sing like addison.