Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring Spectacular

This is Addy with her cute gymnastics friends. It is fun to see how much they have learned this year. When they first started none of the kids knew how to follow directions or take tuns. Now all of the kids listen to instructions and wait their turn (most of the time). I was glad to see that there are other crazy 3 year olds out there.
Addy loves her trophy and she tells everyone that it is her special trophy.
Here we are, Addy's biggest fans.
Gymnastics has been really great for Addy. Her gross motor skills have really improved. When we started class she could not even jump and now she is a jumping machine. Her favorite trick to do is a forward roll. She still has a hard time with the bars because she is the only one in her class who can not reach them. She has loved gymnastics and her teacher was really good about making Addy do things by herself. We will be back in the fall!!!


Chris and Michelle said...

How cute is petite little gymnast Addy? So if this gymnastics class really teaches listening skills and how to wait your turn, I am signing Parker up!

Deena said...

So, so cute! WOW a trophy! We never got those at Little Gym! She is really strong...holding on the bars with one hand! That's awesome she is good at forward rolls...Madison STILL gets high centered doing them! What a cutie!