Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Blogging day number 3, okay so I have been trying to catch up on my posts and I really need to post about Halloween but I am going to post about the huge Meteor that came shooting through the sky last night at 12:07. We were driving home and all of the sudden the sky lit up, as bright as if it were day time. I looked over and saw a ball of fire shooting through the sky it was like a shooting star but so much bigger. I thought that it was going to hit the ground but it dissipated before it got that close. It was only a few seconds but it was pretty amazing to be able to see something like that. I guessed that it was a meteor but I wasn't sure until this morning when I saw it on the news. They said that the meteor was about the size of an oven traveling 80,00 miles an hour, 100 miles up in the air. Pretty crazy and definitely blog worthy.


Deena said...

Holy smokes...I was up watching SYTYCD and it scared me to death. It looked like a flash of lightning from my back door. I was really scared because I didn't know what it was, and there was a homicide in Payson the night my mind went wild. Crazy stuff happening in the world these days!

Heather said...

man, wish I had been up to witness it!

Tai Christensen said...

Adam and I were watching our Tivo-ed Biggest Loser in bed and saw that it!! FREAKED ME OUT! I thought for sure aliens were landing...