Here are the top 10 fun things about Addy
1. She loves to dress up and wear make up.
2. She also loves to dance and is excited to be in dance class this year
3. When she thinks something is cool she likes to use the words fabulous and famous
4. She has an amazing imagination and can keep herself entertained for hours and hours
5. She loves to sing and she knows most of the words to all the songs on the radio.
6. She usually always carries around some sort of stuffed animal she especially loves her dog pinky poo and cat named recess.
7. Addy loves animals and keeps asking for a puppy and hamster. I tell her that we already have a puppy Zeke but she said that he is a dog and not a puppy. I don't think she realizes that puppies don't stay puppies forever.
8. Addy is finally swimming in the deep part of the pool, with floaties of course. (baby steps)
9. Addy loves to be with the older girls in the neighborhood and they are nice enough to let her tag along.
10. Her new favorite game is secret agent so she is always sneaking around the house saying I am a secret agent so you can't see me
Addy is so fun and I am excited to see what she learns this year!!!
Five?! I can't believe it. What a little doll she is. Such a fun post Jill. Darling pics and I loved reading about her spunky little personality.
I miss you! We need to get together once all the
back-to-school chaos dies down.
Happy Birthday Addie! Madison want's a hamster too. I tell her she can have one when she's 13. She can't wait. Still anxiously waiting for the party pics.
Addy NOT Addie. You'd think I'd get that by now.
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