Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to School

I have to say I was very excited for school to start. I am ready for more consistent schedules and early bedtimes and having a little bit of peace in the house. Don't get me wrong I love summer and as kid I never wanted it to end. I was never ready to go back to school, but I guess it is different when you are the Mom.
Ethan is looking so grown up. He got braces this summer and they make him look a little bit older.
Here are the cute boys at the bus stop.
Yep third grade here we come.
Addy is in kindergarten this year and she was so excited to be able to finally ride the bus to school. Every morning when she leaves I can not believe how grown up she is.

Check out Brody's cute little face. He was so excited for school too, until I wouldn't let him get on the school bus. He ran all the way down the street and then collapsed in my neighbors front yard he was so mad he would not come home until I told him he could go and play at Luke and Lily's house.

Addy wasn't one bit nervous for the first day of school she is ready to conquer the world

1 comment:

Deena said...

AWESOME!!! Addy looks so ADORABLE!! So much fun!!!! But I really miss Wednesdays with the Marsh crew!!!