Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Look Who's Three

Fun Facts about Brody
*He is always the first one up so he comes running into my room and asks for a gogurt and movie every morning. (Preferably the Tom and Jerry or Scooby Doo movie).
*Brody loves to sing his favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle little star, or as he would say (Winkle Winkle)
*Brody still loves his white blanky.
*Brody can throw a mean tantrum or two or three or four everyday.
* He is a dare devil and is always trying to jump off of things. He loves swimming and jumps right in even though he doesn't know how to swim yet.
*Brody loves animals especially cats when he see them he runs to them and gives them a big hug.
* His favorite books are "Goodnight Moon" and "Noah's Zoo" we read these at least twice a day. He got "The Busy Spider" for his birthday and that is also becoming one of his new favs.
* Brody loves action figures and star wars guys he has to carry them around everywhere he goes and he must have at least five or six so his arms are full at all times. We can not go anywhere whithout the "guys".

Brody keeps us on our toes and is not easily persuaded to do anything. He seems to think that he is in charge and maybe he is. Our lives would not be the same without him. Happy Birthday Brody we sure love you!!

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